Consumers: Take the Pledge to Stop Using Triclosan

Triclosan, the toxic antibacterial pesticide, can be found in many consumer products including, soaps, hand sanitizers, toys, counter tops, cutting boards, toothpaste and many others. It is also found in human breast milk, urine and other fatty tissues. Washing triclosan-containing products down the drain leads to long-term water, soil and wildlife contamination, and human poisoning.

Itriclosan soap support the Ban Triclosan Campaign supported by over 80 environmental and public health organizations, to protect human health and the environment from the dangers posed by triclosan.

By signing this pledge, I recognize that:

-  Triclosan and its degradates are associated with adverse health effects, such as endocrine disruption, cancer and long-term bioaccumulation,
-  Triclosan creates more potent strains of bacteria, increasing antibacterial and antibiotic resistance,
-  Triclosan is accumulating in waterways and soil, resulting in hazardous residues in fish and food crops,
-  The efficacy of triclosan is no greater than regular soap and water.

Therefore, as a consumer concerned about the threat triclosan poses to me, my family, friends, and the community, as well as the environment, I pledge to:

-  Remove triclosan-containing products from my home,
-  Choose soaps, hand sanitizers and other personal care products that do not contain triclosan,
-  Learn more about the dangers of triclosan,
-  Tell my friends and family about the dangers of triclosan,
-  Support local and national efforts to remove triclosan products from schools, stores and other businesses,
-  Support local and national efforts to ban triclosan in consumer products.

Want to do more?
After you sign the pledge, get your municipality, institution or company to adopt this model resolution to not buy products with triclosan and supporting broader elimination of non-medical uses.

For more information, visit the Ban Triclosan campaign page.
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