About you and your home

Gender *
I have kids! *
Some questions about you! *
 Strongly agreeAgreeSlightly agreeSlightly disagreeDisagreeStrongly disagree
I'm interested in art
I'm interested in design
I'm interested in home decoration
I like to shop for things to decorate my home
I'm very sure about my own taste
I'm very sensetive to trends
I often buy the same things as my friends
I like to buy unique and handmade things
I pay attention to the illustrations when I read a magazine
I read a lot of blogs
Quality is important to me and I'm prepared to pay slightly more to get it
What do you have hanging on your walls today? *
This is important to me when I choose pictures for my home *
 Strongly agreeAgreeSlightly agreeSlightly disagreeDisagreeStrongly disagree
That it's unique
That I find it affordable
That it matches my home in colour and style
That it's made by a real artist
What I feel emotionally about it
That it's trendy
If you were to look for pictures to decorate your home, where would you go? *

Buying pictures and artwork online

Are you used to and comfortble with buying things online? *
This would be important for me if I was to buy pictures for my home online. *
 Strongly agreeAgreeSlightly agreeSlightly disagreeDisagreeStrongly disagree
That I can trust the quality of the print for example that the colours are exactly like the ones online
That the webshop has a vide selection of different styles
That I can find something unique
That I get some additional information about the artist
That it's printed on high quality paper
That the colours are light proof
That the website I'm buying from is known to be reliable and to have good quality products
If you find a limited edition print by an artist you don't know but really like, how much would you be prepared to pay for it? *

Scandinavian illustration and Graphic Design

I live in Scandinavia *
If you answered yes on the above question, how did you first come in contact with their work?
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