2024 UW SEBA Science & Engineering Career Fair Employer Registration Form

SEBA’s Science & Engineering Career Fair is the largest recruiting event held on the UW campus, attracting over 3000 students and 170 companies last year.
It is geared towards uniting the best and brightest science and engineering students with the top companies of the Pacific Northwest and across the nation. With 15+ years of success, this student-run career fair is widely recognized among UW students and highly anticipated yearly.
We are excited to host this invaluable recruiting opportunity and look forward to your involvement!
What education level are you recruiting? *
What position types are you recruiting? *
What majors are you recruiting? *
Are you willing to sponsor candidates with a work visa? *
Are you accepting OPT/CPT candidates? *
Would you like to ship materials to the booth prior to the career fair? *
Would you like to host an info session before the Career fair? (Additional charges may apply) *
Would you like to book an interview session before the Career Fair? (Additional charges may apply) *
Registration Fee *
Terms and Conditions *
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