Clinical Partner Outreach Survey

Dear Donate Life America Community Partners,
Our goal is to take feedback from those in the clinical field to identify the needs of Donate Life Community clinical partners in promoting living and deceased donation. Additionally, we are working to develop resources and educational materials regarding birth tissue. We would like to survey you for your input on best practices and suggestions.
This survey has three sections. Section One is based on needs around deceased donation, Section Two will ask for feedback on living organ donation and Section Three will focus on birth tissue donation.
All those who complete a survey will be entered to win one of several prizes. For questions about Donate Life America or this survey, please contact Karen Headley.
This survey closes at 11:59pm on June 30, 2023. Thank you for your participation. 
In what clinical setting do you work? *
What is your position within your organization? *
How familiar are you with Donate Life America? *
Is your organization involved with your Donate Life State Team? *
Are you interested in learning more about or partnering with your Donate Life State Team? If yes, please be sure to provide your contact information at the end of this survey.
Does your organization celebrate any of the following Donate Life observances (check all that apply)? *
How familiar are you with this symbol being the symbol for the cause of organ, eye and tissue donation?

Section One: Deceased Donation

What is your level of involvement with deceased organ, eye and tissue donation? *
Do you actively educate about deceased donation? *
Does your organization include a call to register as a deceased organ, eye and tissue donor (check all that apply)? *
What educational vehicles do you find most effective to use when discussing deceased donation (check all that apply)? *
Who do you find is the most influential as a spokesperson to deliver messages about deceased donation? *

Section Two: Living Organ Donation

What level of involvement do you have with living organ donation? *
What educational vehicles do you find most effective to use when educating about living organ donation (check all that apply)? *
Who do you find is the most influential as a spokesperson to deliver messages about living organ donation? *

Section Three: Birth Tissue

Do you consider birth tissue a part of living donation? *
What level of involvement do you have with birth tissue donation? *
What resources would help you in educating about living birth tissue (check all that apply)? *
Who do you find is the most influential as a spokesperson to deliver messages about birth tissue donation? *

Contact Information to Be Entered for Prizes

If you are interested in being entered for one of five $50 Amazon gift cards, please provide ALL of the below requested contact information: 
Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!
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