Register as a Sponsor here:

General Sponsorship

Silent Auction Items

Another way to support is via donating a Silent Auction Item for the Gala. 
All proceeds go towards supporting CCGBC programs such as the Build Smart Trailer, the Learning from the Pandemic Series, Green Awards , and Green Schools. 
If you are donating a silent auction item, we will need to coordinate the pick up/drop off of this by the before the event begins. All physical items will be sent to Brandon Kaysen prior to Oct 1. 

Please indicate the details of the donated item below so that we can give you the appropriate sponsor benefits and coordinate appropriately. 

*ie. If the item is the same worth as any of the sponsorship levels, those are the benefits you will recieve. If it is valued at less, then you have the advertizing only at the event when the item is mentioned. 

Current Total:
If you would like to join us at our Virtual Green Awards Celebration Event Oct. 3rd
click here for our registration site. 
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