R-53RMP Registered Medical Physicist and Provisional Registered Medical Physicist Registration Application
Please select which form you need to submit
Registered Medical Physicist (RMP)
Provisional Registered Medical Physicist
This form is an application for registration as a Colorado Registered Medical Physicist for performing certification evaluations of x-ray producing machines and facilities, preparation of radiation shielding designs, recommending radiation safety practices, and performing radiation exposure surveys. RMP registration will include a Qualified Expert designation. The registration is for a one year period. Renewals must be received 30 days prior to the expiration date. Please
refer to 6 CCR 1007-1 Colorado Rules and Regulations Pertaining to Radiation Control Part 2, Appendix 2I for additional information - all external links on this form will open in a new window
This form is an application for registration as a
Colorado Provisional Registered Medical Physicist
for performing certification evaluations of x-ray producing machines and facilities. The registration is for a one year period. Renewals must be received 30 days prior to the expiration date. Please
refer to 6 CCR 1007-1 Colorado Rules and Regulations Pertaining to Radiation Control Part 2, Appendix 2I for additional information - all external links on this form will open in a new window
Please select the RMP application type
New application ($100 fee)
Renewal Application ($100 fee)
Addition of new inspection category ($60 fee)
Update to full RMP from Provisional RMP ($60 fee)
Please select the provisional RMP application type
New application ($100 fee)
Renewal Application ($100 fee)
Addition of new inspection category ($60 fee)
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