Healthcare - EnCompass Monitoring Pricing Estimate
Hand Hygiene Observation Tool
Plan Option
Bring Your Own Device Plan (includes 5 licenses without devices)
Device-supported Plan (includes 5 licenses with 5 iPods)
BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) Pricing Plan
Below 175 beds ($2400)
175 - 199 ($2800)
200 - 224 ($3200)
225 - 249 ($3600)
250 - 274 ($4000)
275 - 299 ($4400)
300 - 324 ($4800)
325 - 349 ($5200)
350 - 374 ($5600)
375 - 399 ($6000)
400 - 424 ($6400)
425 - 449 ($6800)
450 - 474 ($7200)
475 - 499 ($7600)
500 - 524 ($8000)
525 - 549 ($8400)
550 - 574 ($8800)
575 - 599 ($9200)
600 - 624 ($9600)
625 - 649 ($10000)
650 - 674 ($10400)
675 - 699 ($10800)
700 - 724 ($11200)
725 - 749 ($11600)
750 - 774 ($12000)
775 - 799 ($12400)
800 - 824 ($12800)
825 - 849 ($13200)
850 - 874 ($13600)
875 - 899 ($14000)
900 - 924 ($14400)
925 - 949 ($14800)
950 - 974 ($15200)
975 - 999 ($15600)
1000 - 1024 ($16000)
1025 - 1049 ($16400)
1050 - 1074 ($16800)
1075 - 1099 ($17200)
Device-supported Pricing Plan
Below 175 Beds ($3900)
175 - 199 ($4300)
200 - 224 ($4700)
225 - 249 ($5100)
250 - 274 ($5500)
275 - 299 ($5900)
300 - 324 ($6300)
325 - 349 ($6700)
350 - 374 ($7100)
375 - 399 ($7500)
400 - 424 ($7900)
425 - 449 ($8300)
450 - 474 ($8700)
475 - 499 ($9100)
500 - 524 ($9500)
525 - 549 ($9900)
550 - 574 ($10300)
575 - 599 ($10700)
600 - 624 ($11100)
625 - 649 ($11500)
650 - 674 ($11900)
675 - 699 ($12300)
700 - 724 ($12700)
725 - 749 ($13100)
750 - 774 ($13500)
775 - 799 ($13900)
800 - 824 ($14300)
825 - 849 ($14700)
850 - 874 ($15100)
875 - 899 ($15500)
900 - 924 ($15900)
925 - 949 ($16300)
950 - 974 ($16700)
975 - 999 ($17100)
1000 - 1024 ($17500)
1025 - 1049 ($17900)
1050 - 1074 ($18300)
1075 - 1099 ($18700)
Additional Licenses / Devices
10 additional Apple Device Licenses ($500.00)
iPod Touch and Licensing Fees ($325.00)
iPad Mini and Licensing Fees ($525.00)
Total (Estimate):