Thank you! We look forward to working with you again!
Your basic information
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Email Address
Please upload a picture of the front of your ID/driver's license.
Questions for this tax year
Did you move in 2024?
No, I did not move.
Yes, I did move and will type my new address below and provide MOVE DATE
Yes, I did move and will type my new address below and provide MOVE DATE
Did you get married in 2024?
No, I did not get married.
Yes, I got married and my name DID NOT change.
Yes, I got married and my name DID change. My new last name is typed below.
Yes, I got married and my name DID change. My new last name is typed below.
Did you get divorced in 2024?
No, I did not get divorced.
Yes, I got divorced in and my name DID NOT change.
Yes, I got divorced in and my name DID change. My new last name is typed below.
Yes, I got divorced in and my name DID change. My new last name is typed below.
Did your number of dependents change in 2024?
No, my number of dependents stayed the same.
Yes, my number of dependents changed and the dependents to be added or removed are typed in the box below. Please give the name of the dependent(s) and birthdate(s). If adding a dependent, also provide the SSN.
Yes, my number of dependents changed and the dependents to be added or removed are typed in the box below. Please give the name of the dependent(s) and birthdate(s). If adding a dependent, also provide the SSN.
Did any member of the household have receive health insurance through the marketplace at any time during the tax year?
Yes - Checking this box affirms that I understand that I need to submit form 1095-A before my tax return can be completed.
Did you sell a home in 2024?
No, I did not sell a home.
Yes, I did sell a home.
Did you start a business in 2024?
No, I did not start a business.
Yes, I did start a business.
Did you take college courses in 2024?
No, I did not take college courses.
Yes, I did take college courses.
Did you receive an inheritance in 2024?
No, I did not receive an inheritance.
Yes, I did receive an inheritance.
Did you take an early retirement withdrawal in 2024?
No, I did not take an early retirement withdrawal.
Yes, I did take an early retirement withdrawal.
Tax Document Upload
Use the button below to upload up to 10 tax documents in any of the following formats: bmp, jpeg, jpg, pdf, png, txt, zip.
If you need to upload more than 10 documents, you will receive an email link to allow you to upload additional documents.
Anything else?
Anything else you want us to know? Send us a note below....
Please Sign Below
By uploading and submitting documents here, I affirm that all information is true and correct to my knowledge, and that I am providing documents for the purpose of tax preparation for the 2024 tax year.
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