Thanks for your interest in Ohio Tax Advantage! Please fill out the form below. Taxpayer Information


Is this a checking or savings account? *
*If you are due a refund, the IRS estimates 2-3 weeks for your refund to be received with e-filing and direct deposit.*

Spouse Information

Are you married? *

Dependent Information (if applicable)

If you have more than 4 dependents, enter their information into the box below.
 First NameLast NameDate of BirthSocial Security Number

Please check the types of INCOME you received in 2023. Not all items may apply.


Other Questions: please check all that apply and answer as applicable.

Part 1: Please answer if any apply for 2024
Did any member of the household have receive health insurance through the marketplace at any time during the tax year? *

City/Municipality Taxes

Depending on your locality, Ohio Tax Advantage may be able to electronically file your local taxes for you. In the event that your locality is not available for e-filing, at your request, we will prepare paper copies of your city/municipality tax forms for you to file on your own. 
If your tax forms cannot be e-filed, you will be responsible for sending in the form(s) yourself.
Please check the appropriate box below. *

Tax Document Upload

Final Disclaimer

Read and check below before submitting. *
Please sign below. *
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