TMC Bonham User Access Form


Access Requested:

Centriq Applications (choose all that apply)

Login/Password requirements

Below is a list of requirements for maintaing your access codes:
* Never share your login name or password (access codes) with anyone.
* Do not leave a hard copy of your access codes where someone else could view them.
* Only access information pertinent to your job functions.
* Always exit out or log off the computer when you are done.
* Report unauthorized persons who access or attempt to access or modify the configuration of the PC.
* Use a password that is unique up to or exceeding ten previous passwords.
* Passwords must be a minimum of 10 characters in length.
* Passwords must contain mixed case (upper and lower), and a number or special character.
* Passwords must be changed at a minimum every 90 days.
By receiving these access codes you agree to the above terms and understand that you are responsible for securing  all logins and passwords. Per IS 2.01.01 policy, inappropriate use of a system login may result in disciplinary action up to and inlcuding termination.

Authorization Signatures /Completion Information

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