*This is an additional contract that is required for families who are recieving childcare assistance through CCCAP.
If you have not already submitted your online registration for Extended Hours Program, please visit our website and complete the ONLINE APPLICATION that is located on our Registration page.
Call our office with questions.

Extended Hours Program CCCAP Policies Contract 2024-2025

Extended Hours Program Policies for Families Receiving CCCAP
Please indicate that you have read, understand, and agree to the following policies.  
Your registration with the Extended Hours Program is not complete without submitting this contract. 
Additional Children Enrolled in Extended Hours Program (First & Last Name)

General CCCAP Policies

I understand that my parent fee payment (if applicable) is due to Extended Hours Program on the 1st day of each month.

I acknowledge that if I do not pay my parent fee by the 5th day of the month, Extended Hours Program will auto-process my parent fee payment using the card # provided in my application on the 6th day of the month. If my payment does not go through - care will be denied until payment is received for the total balance due.  *
Private Pay charges are any charges incurred that are not covered by CCCAP.
Examples of private pay charges include: child attending a day/time that is not authorized by CCCAP, absence on a Full Day reservation, late fee for pick up after 6:00pm (charge is $1.00 per minute).

I understand that Private Pay charges are the responsibility of the parent/guardian and that payment for these charges is due immediately to Extended Hours Program. 

If private pay charges are not made by the parent, they will be auto-charged at the end of each week using the card information provided on my application. Care may be denied if payment is declined until a valid payment is received.  *
It is parent's responsibility to be sure that caseworker has authorized care properly for requested schedule. 

If there is an error in child's authorization schedule, it is parent/guardian's responsibility to make corrections with caseworker. Parent/guardian will be responsible for private payment of care that is not authorized in the ATS system. *
Children must be checked in and checked out in the ATS system (through our smart phone on site) as well as the manual check out sheet at drop off and pick up DAILY.

Care may be suspended if parent/guardian fails to properly check child in and out on a consistent basis. *

Policies for Care on Full Days (Non School Days)

Extended Hours Program offers Full Day care for most non-school days such as teacher work days and most holiday breaks. 
Full Day care is available by reservation only, and is only offered at our 4 Full Day Sites (Broadway Elementary, Orchard Avenue Elementary, and Tope Elementary).  
Parent is responsible for reserving care using the online Full Day Reservation forms available on our website. Space is limited and spots are not guaranteed.
Extended Hours Program does not offer 1/2 day options for our Full Day Programs. Children are required to be in attendance for a minimum of 5.01 hours in order for Extended Hours Program to receive proper payment from CCCAP. 
Parent/guardian is responsible for submitting a Full Day reservation form to request care on non-school days. Reservation forms are available on Extended Hours Program website. *
Parent/guardian will notify caseworker of Full Day request and location prior to the Full Day cancellation deadline in order to ensure care is authorized at Full Day location. *
Parent/guardian will notify Extended Hours main office of any cancellations for Full Day reservations by the cancellation deadline.

After the deadline, cancellations are not accepted and parent will be responsible for private payment for the day. *
I agree that if my child is scheduled for any full day but does not attend, I will be responsible for private payment of the absence.
The CCCAP rate for Full Days is $30.09 per child per day.

Payment is due before child is able to attend care again. *
I understand that if my child is absent on 2 or more Full Days that I had reserved, Extended Hours Program may not accept future Full Day reservations for my child. *
If child is sick, parent/guardian must notify the Extended Hours main office by 9:00AM of the day of care and provide doctor's note within 24 hours to excuse the absence. If doctor's note is NOT provided, parent will be responsible for private payment for absence. *
I understand that CCCAP does not pay Extended Hours Program the full rate for care if my child attends for less than 5.01 hours.

I agree that if my child's attendance on any Full Day is less than 5.01 hours, I will be responsible to pay the difference of $13 to Extended Hours Program. This payment will be due immediately to continue care. *

Completing Registration

Once Extended Hours Program has received online application as well as any required immunization records, medical forms (if applicable), and Extended Hours CCCAP Policies contract, we will notify your caseworker that we have received your application for care. 
We require authorization from caseworker before we are able to complete your registration. Once we have received authorization from CCCAP, we will complete the registration and prepare your child's student file to be delivered to the school. 
This process can take a few business days before care can start, so we recommend turning in all items as soon as possible. 
You will receive a confirmation email with a start date for when your child can begin attending our program. Care cannot start prior to the start date listed in the confirmation email. 
I have read and understand the policies listed above. I agree to these policies and understand that Extended Hours Program will notify me via email the start date of when my child can begin attending care. *
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