February 17th Full Day Programs

Cost: $42.00 per day
Hours: 6:30am - 6:00pm
Payment Policy: Payment information is required when making reservation. Payment for confirmed reservations will be processed on the Cancellation/Payment Deadline. All completed reservations receive a confirmation email!
Cancellation Policy: ALL cancellations must be made by the cancellation deadline. There will be NO REFUNDS after 5:00pm on the date of the deadline. If your child does not attend for ANY reason, you are still charged the full day fee. 
Lunch: Parents are required to send child to Full Days with a nutritious lunch that does NOT require use of a microwave. Extended Hours Program does not have lunch available on site. 
CCCAP Information & Policies: Limited CCCAP spots available on Full Days. If you receive CCCAP assistance, you must notify your caseworker of the location and dates you have requested full day care for. Cancellation policy applies to families receiving CCCAP. If care is not cancelled by the deadline and your child does not attend, PARENT/GUARDIAN is responsible for private payment of reservation. Absences on full days may result in denial of future full day reservation requests.
If reserving care for more than 1 child, please list names of additional children here (First and Last)

*If your children do not need care on the same days, please submit a separate form for each child.
*We reserve the right to combine Full Day programs due to low enrollment. If this situation occurs we will notify families prior to days reserved.
Please select days you are requesting care below. 
**CCCAP Reservations: *If you receive CCCAP assistance, you will select days you are requesting care below. You are not required to make payment to secure reservation. However, you are required to have CCCAP authorization prior to attendance. Absences or unauthorized care will result in private pay charges. 
Monday, February 17th
*Cancellation Deadline: Friday, January 31st  * 🛈
Reservation Total $:

Payment Information

Payment Method: *
Payment Policy: We require a credit card number for your reservation. 
Payment will be automatically processed on the reservation/cancellation deadline using the card number provided. 
*Credit on account: If your account has a credit balance sufficient to cover the full day charge on the reservation deadline, the charges will be deducted from the existing credit and no additional payment will be processed. 
**We do NOT refund or credit charges after the cancellation deadline has passed. 
**Credit card payments will be processed on the Cancellation/Payment Deadline. 
We have limited CCCAP slots on full days. 
If your request is received after we have filled our CCCAP slots we will notifiy you via email that your child's name has been placed on our waitlist. Families on the waitilist will be notified if there are additional openings once the cancellation deadline passes.
CCCAP Assistance: If your child is absent on the full day, parent/guardian is responsible for private payment of the absence. The private pay charge for Full Days is $30.09 per day per child. *
CCCAP 1/2 Day Charge: Extended Hours Program does not receive full payment from CCCAP if your child attends for less than 5.01 hours during the full day.
If your child attends less than 5.01 hours you will be charged the difference in payment we receive. The charge is $13.54. *
I understand that if my child is absent on Full Days that I had reserved, Extended Hours Program may not accept future Full Day reservations for my child. *


Cancellation Policy:
ALL cancellations are due by the cancellation deadline. 
Cancellations must be submitted to the main office via email or phone call.
Staff onsite at your child's location cannot accept or make full day cancellations for you. 
Once the cancellation deadline has passed, all reservation charges are final.
Any late cancellations will still be charged the full reservation fee. This charge is non-refundable and will not be credited towards other days. 
I have read the cancellation policy and agree to these terms. *


All complete reservations receive a confirmation email from our main office!
If you believe that your reservation was completed and have not received a confirmation email within 3-4 business days, please contact our office. 
I understand that I will receive a confirmation email for a complete reservation. *