Central Decatur CSD - Dual Credit Survey

Central Decatur families, students, and employees,

We are exploring a possible policy change to our dual credit courses. Currently, the policy reads: "The grades and credits earned will be included on the high school transcript. Grades earned will impact eligibility requirements for extracurricular activities but will not impact a student’s high school grade point average, class rank, or honor roll."

The new policy could read: "A college course will be displayed on your high school transcript. Grades earned will impact a student’s high school grade point average, class rank, and honor roll."

Please provide your feedback on this survey by July 1, 2024. We will then review responses and make a decision for the upcoming school year.

Please note: questions that are required are noted with an asterisk (*).

Thank you,

Chris Coffelt, superintendent 

Dan Johnson, principal

Cayle Buckingham, school counselor