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Tabor is not currently accepting applications from people in receipt of a Student Visa.  People who are in Australia on the basis of another Visa may still be eligible to apply. Email us for more information by clicking here.

Are you going to follow the Counselling pathway or the Youth Work pathway? *
Are you going to follow the Ministry pathway or the Youth Practice pathway? *
Do you belong to any of the following partner organisations? * 🛈
I am applying for the first subject free offer as a member of a CSA school or participant of the 2024 FCL workshop *
I acknowledge that eligibility for the offer requires completing at least 2 subjects by the end of 2025 *
In order to complete this application you will need to supply a Teaching Capabilities Statement.
The Teaching Capabilities Statement reflects the Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership (AITSL) national priority for all initial teacher education course providers to ensure those entering the teaching profession have the personal qualities to best support learners and graduate as classroom ready, high quality teachers. Click here to access the Teaching Capabilities Statement form.
If you need time to prepare your TCS, it is best to do so now, and come back to complete your application later. You can create an account above if you want to save your form so far.

Your course is applied for via SATAC.

You will need to create a SATAC account to commence your application.

Your course code is; 5A0402 - Bachelor of Counselling

Please click here to go to SATAC's website.

Your course is applied for via SATAC.

You will need to create a SATAC account to commence your application.

Your course code is; 5A0403 - Bachelor of Youth Work

Please click here to go to SATAC's website.

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