Student Card Order Form

ON CAMPUS STUDENTS: new 'valid to' stickers can be collected from Student Services or Reception
Your Student ID card will be available for collection from Reception, within 10 days of ordering.
If you require your card urgently, please contact Student Services.

You will need to supply a photo of yourself that clearly shows your face, preferably smiling, something similar to a selfie but with no hats or sunglasses.

Further info should you need it is available on the Australian Passport Office website:

Below you can see some examples provided by our very own Tabor Staff members to ensure your photos are appropriate. If the photograph supplied does not meet the above criteria, your card will not be produced.

If you have ordered BEFORE the start of semester, your student card will be ready for collection during Orientation Week.
If you have ordered DURING the semester, your card will be available for collection from Reception, within 10 days of ordering.