This form is only a price estimate. Actual price may increase or decrease after we see the unit. We charge $100 - $150 per hour plus materials if needed. In order to give an estimate we will need detailed pictures of the area(s) in question. For Slide or Climb Blankets we will need to know the length and width, if it is 2" or 4" Velcro and if it is a straight/flat piece or if it has pockets/depth or curves. If a Climb Blanket, and steps need to be replaced, we need to know the length of the steps and how many. You will be contacted with your estimate upon our reviewing of the form.
Drop off and be put in que to repair as schedule allows - $100 per hour
Schedule an appointment for specific date(s) - $125 per hour
Emergency repair - $150 per hour (this is done as time permits, drop off and come back. If I have repairs on the calendar, I will have to do after hours)