Volunteer Event Opportunity Request

PENCIL Connect is here for your volunteer needs! Please use this form to submit a Volunteer Event Opportunity to be featured on PENCIL Connect.
PENCIL Connect is designed to empower community members to engage within our schools and fosters volunteerism within these categories: Family Engagement, Student Celebration, Teacher Appreciation, and General Volunteerism.
Have you already created a form that you're using to register participants for your event? Educators can now include registration forms like SurveyMonkey, Doodle, and Calendly to allow registrations to flow directly back to their email by inserting the URL at the bottom of the form. 
As a guideline, PENCIL primarily seeks time and talent from its partners. PENCIL Connect exists as a tool to foster the growth of community capital at the school level and PENCIL reserves the right moderate or remove Volunteer Event Opportunities that do not align with PENCIL's mission, vision, and values.
For more information about PENCIL Connect, please visit our website or email pencilconnect@pencil615.org. We look forward to you joining us online!
Event Format
Recurring Event?
Multi Day Event?

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