209 W 6th Street
Ferris, TX 75125
Thank you for choosing Green Pet Care Center to care for your beloved companion. We take great pride in the love and attention we show each family we serve. Please fill out the form below and we will be in contact with you shortly. If you have questions please give us a call or text. Appointments are required to ensure we take care of your loved one in a timely manner.
We are privately owned and opperated in Ellis County. 
Lead times or turn around to get a loved one home for private cremations is expected to take 7-10 bussiness days. Lead times can take longer on national holidays. 

Pets Information

Pets Gender *

Owners Information

Vital Information

Will you be looking for a Private Cremation (Loved one ashes being returned to owner) or a Communal Cremation (Loved one ashes will be scattered in a peaceful location)*
Which option are you needing for cremation? *
Will you be dropping your companion off at Green Pet Care Center? *
Will you be picking your companion up at Green Pet Care Center once Aquamation is complete? Pick Up's and/or Deliveries are scheduled by appointments only. *
Would you like to add a personalized 3D Clay Nose Print (Terracotta Only) for $65 *
Would you like to add a personalized Clay Paw (Options of Terracotta, Copper Shimmer and White available) Small/Medium 1-54 lbs - $35.00 Large/X-Large 55-100+ lbs - $55.00 *

*Parvo Cases are subject to a $25 surcharge for cleaning and disinfecting after pickup and prep.*


Parvovirus is spread through direct contact with a dog that’s been infected or from feces. It’s even possible for a human to inadvertently give it to a dog by stepping in dog feces and unknowingly tracking that inside the home. After each positive case we encounter, we are obligated to clean/disinfect our vehicles, equipment and ourselves to protect our loved ones at our homes and all the families we serve.

Has your companion come in contact with the parvovirus within the past couple of weeks or days? $25.00 parvovirus maintenance fee required if positive. *

Payment Information

Payments must be received up front once your loved one is in our care. Removals, deliveries or procedures cannot be completed and remains can not be returned until balance is paid in full. Unfortunately, failure of payment can result of surrendering your Loved One to animal control. Due to high volume of cases that come in daily, Loved Ones cannot be stored at our facility for long periods of time. Our goal is to serve your family at the time of need and getting your Loved One home as soon as possible for private cases and also includes communal cases to be completed in a timely manner. Once terms are agreed on a case file will be created and sent to your email that you have provided so payments can be made through our website. Paying with check can result in a case file to be on hold up to 7 business days. Returned checks are subject to a fee of $25.00. *
PET DISCLOSURES : I/We further represent and warrant that the animal has not bitten any person or other animal during the past ten (10) days, is not suffering from Rabies, and has not been exposed to other animals suffering from Rabies or has been diagnosed with COVID/Coronavirus *
Aquamation is performed to prepare the remains of the pet for final disposition. It is carried out by placing the pet’s remains into a aquamation chamber where they are subjected to water and alkali. The aquamation can be done in one of three ways, including Private/Partitioned and Communal. A PRIVATE/PARTITIONED AQUAMATION is a aquamation procedure during which remains are to be returned to owners.A COMMUNAL AQUAMATION is a aquamation procedure where multiple pets are aquamated together without any form of separation. These commingled aquamatedremains are not returned to owners.
During the aquamation process, it may be necessary to open the aquamation chamber and reposition the remains of the animal in order to facilitate a complete and thorough aquamation. Due to the nature of the aquamation process, any possessions or materials, such as collars or tags that are left with the animal and not removed prior to aquamation may be destroyed or if not destroyed, will be disposed of by GPCC. The Authorizing Agent understands that arrangements must be made to remove any such personal possessions or materials prior to the time that the animal is transported to PPDFW.Following a cooling period, the aquamated remains shall be recovered by manual means, such as brushing, and industry-specific mechanical means, such as vacuuming, in order to retrieve the aquamated remains from the aquamation chamber. Although GPCC will take reasonable efforts to remove all of the aquamated remains from the aquamation chamber, some dust and other residue from the process will be left behind. Depending on the aquamation option, there may or may not be more commingling, or mixing, of aquamated remains. Active commingling occurs between animals during the aquamation and/or retrieval process when multiple animals are aquamated together in the same chamber. This type of commingling can be minimized with effective portioning but it is impossible to assert that it can be eliminated entirely. Active commingling cannot, by definition, occur with a private aquamation. However, while every effort will be made to avoid commingling, inadvertent and incidental commingling of minute particles of aquamated remains from the residues of previous cremations is possible. The Authorizing Agent understands and accepts that some incidental comingling is possible under any aquamation option. After the aquamated remains are removed from the aquamation chamber, all non-aquamated material (insofar as possible) will be separated and removed from the animal bone fragments by visible or magnetic selection. Other non-bone fragment foreign material recovered with the aquamated remains shall be removed prior to processing so that only animal bone fragments will remain. Non-bone fragment and foreign material may be commingled with other like material and shall be disposed of in a dignified manner, and in accordance with all applicable laws. The Authorizing Agent understands and authorizes PPDFW to dispose of these materials with similar materials from  other aquamations in a non-recoverable manner, including recycling.When the aquamated remains are removed from the aquamation chamber, the skeletal remains often will contain recognizable bone fragments. Unless otherwise specified, after the bone fragments have been separated from the other material, they  will be mechanically processed, pulverized.  The  process of crushing or grinding may cause incidental commingling of the remains with the residue from the processing of previously aquamated remains. These granulated particles of unidentifiable dimensions, which are virtually unrecognizable as animal remains, will then be placed into a designated container based on the type of aquamation identified above (Private/Partitioned or Communal).
Following the aquamation, the Authorizing Agent directs GPCC to undertake the actions set forth on the reverse side to arrange the final disposition of the aquamated remains. Aquamated remains shall only be released, delivered, mailed or disposed of by GPCC in a dignified manner, in accordance with the law, and with expressed written consent of the Authorizing Agent. If the aquamated remains are shipped at any time, the Authorizing Agent directs that GPCC utilize registered U.S. mail with a return receipt or a shipping service that uses an internal system for tracing the location of the aquamated remains during shipment and requires a signed receipt of the person taking delivery of the aquamated remains.The Authorizing Agent understands that if no arrangements for the final disposition of the aquamated remains have been made within sixty (60) days after the aquamation or if the Authorizing Agent has not taken delivery of or caused the delivery of the aquamated remains, or in the event the arrangements of the final disposition have not been carried out within the sixty (60) day period because of the inaction of a party other than GPCC, Funeral Home, or Veterinarian, then GPCC, Funeral Home or Veterinarian may dispose of the aquamated remains in any dignified manner, including scattering.


I/We agree to release and indemnify Green Pet Care Center (GPCC), their officers, directors, agents and employees, from any claim, liability, cost or expense resulting from the their reliance on or performance consistent with the  directions, declarations, representations, authorizations and agreements herein. I/We agree that GPCC's liability for negligent acts (of itself or its agents or employees) is limited to a refund of the aquamation fees paid by me/us. I/We warrant that all representations and statements contained in this form are true and correct. I/We have read and understood all pages of this document.
This Authorization Form is required to be completed and signed prior to the final disposition of your pet. CREMATION IS AN IRREVERSIBLE AND FINAL PROCESS. It is important that you understand the aquamation process and the different options available prior to signing it. We want you to fully understand the information provided in this Authorization Form, so we will be pleased to answer any questions you may have. I/We represent that I/We have the right to authorize the cremation of the Pet’s remains and warrant that I/we are the Owner or an Agent of the Owner (“Authorizing Agent”). I/We have read and initialed all required Pet Disclosures as listed on the described above. I/We have read and understood the description of the different available cremation processes described on the described above including the final disposition/return of cremated remains; by initialing below, I/We authorize the following *
Terms of Service *
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