The Hawk Law Group


Criminal Defense Form

Save & Return

Save your progress and complete this form later. (optional)

The person who needs representation is? *
Marital Status of client *
Do you have children? *

Information of Person Filling Out Form If Different Than The Above

Spouse and Children and Emergency Contact



Were you employed at the time of arrest? *
Are you currently employed *
Ask if they have ever been treated for it or attended rehab/counseling for *
If tested today, you would you test clean or positive for *

Prior Criminal Record

Are you on PROBATION at this time? *
Are you on PAROLE at this time? *

Current Offense Information

Did you give a statement? *

If so, oral or written?

Were you searched? *
Was your property searched? *
Were you read your Miranda rights? *
WITNESSES: Please list the names, addresses and phone numbers of ALL witnesses that you want to testify for you at trial, including any character witnesses (Use one line per witness, use the plus to add more lines as needed): * 🛈

This is acknowledgement that submitting this form does not in any way bind this firm to represent you. Until this matter is accepted by a member of the firm, we will not be able to undertake any representation. *

Payment Options

Would you like to pay your $100 consultation fee now? *
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