Join Our Team

Personal Information


Fields of Interest and Certification Areas

Pre-Employment Questionnaire

Are you a current member of the Teacher Retirement System of Texas (TRS)? *
Are you a retiree of the Teacher Retirement System of Texas (TRS)? *
Where did you hear about us? (Select one only) *

Education and Professional Preparation


Student Teaching Experience


Record of Teaching Experience (Begin with the Most Recent) Do Not Include Substitute Teaching Unless You Were a Full Time Substitute Teacher

Employer 1
Employer 2
Employer 3

Employment History (Other than Teaching)


Professional References (List Three, Preferable Superintendents, Principals, Supervisors, Teachers and Professors)

Reference 1
Reference 2
Reference 3

Additional Skills

Disclaimer and Signature

I hereby certify that all the information that I have provided on this application or any other document filled out in connection with my employment, and in any information that I have provided during any interview is true and correct. I have withheld nothing that would, if disclosed, affect this application unfavorably. I understand that if I am employed and any such information is later found to be false or incomplete in any respect, I may be dismissed.

If you have any questions regarding this agreement, please ask a New Frontiers Public Schools representative before signing.

My electronic signature below attests to the fact that I have read, I understand, and I agree to be legally bound by all the above terms.
Signature *
New Frontiers Public Schools is committed to maintaining a work and learning environment free from discrimination based on race, color, religion,national origin, pregnancy, gender identity, sexual orientation, martial/civil union status, ancestry, place of birth, age, citizenship status, veteran status, political affiliation, genetic information or disability as defined and required by state and federal laws. Additionally, we prohibit retaliation against individuals who oppose such discrimination and harassment or who participate in an equal opportunity investigation.