When was your home or business built? *

Your water meter is typically found in the front yard, near the street or sidewalk. The water service line will be the pipe connected to the water meter that comes into your home from the street.

The water service line will enter your building in the closest location to the meter (basement, crawl space, front closet, etc.) and will be visible with a shutoff valve. It is typically located in a utility room on the lowest level of your home and may be accessible in a crawl space if your home has one.

For this effort, we are only interested in the service line material up to the shutoff valve, not beyond, and this is typically the first 18 inches of pipe coming through the floor or exposed in the crawl space. We do not need to know the material of the plumbing in your home or business. Note that usually your water service line is not the pipe located under your kitchen sink.

Were you able to locate your water service line? Refer to the instructions above for assistance. *

If yes, great! You may proceed with the identification process. Expand the “Example Photos” group to review representative images of the different types of service line materials.

If no, we are sorry that you were not able to locate your water service line. You may not submit the survey without identifying your material. If you locate your water service line in the future, please return to this page & complete the form.


Service Line Material Identification Process

Please review the different photos below to help determine the material.

Example of a Plastic Pipe: Plastic pipes are typically white, black, or blue with writing on the pipe.

Example of a Copper Pipe

Example of a Galvanized Pipe
Example of a Lead Pipe
Material Identification
Is the water service line entering the building plastic or metal? If you're unsure, go with your best guess and if you need to change your response you can do so. *
If plastic, extensive research has not been conducted on the effects of plastic service lines on drinking water, but it is generally accepted as a good plumbing material and will not expose you to lead through your drinking water. Please take a photo and upload it at the end of this survey so that we have a record of your water service line material.
If metal, please proceed with the identification process.
What color is the water service pipe? *
Scratch Test
Use a key or coin to scratch the pipe close to where it enters the house through the wall or floor.
What best describes the results? *
Magnet Test
Apply a magnet (like a refrigerator magnet) to the water service pipe.
Does it stick? *

Photo Submission

By submitting a photo of your service pipe, your water service provider will be able to validate results of the survey. We may use the image you submit as an example of pipe material for educational purposes and/or lead and copper pipe study data uses. You will remain anonymous.

Water service pipe photo: Please take and upload a photo of where your water service pipe enters your building. Photo should include first 18 inches of service pipe as it enters the building and include the shut off valve within the shot, if possible.

Do you consent to the Utility using your image? *

Optional Feedback

We would appreciate your feedback on your experience with the material identification process.

Was this process easy to understand? *
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